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Managing the economic and operational costs of Active Directory

Managing the economic and operational costs of Active Directory

IT organizations invest a great deal of time and resources into proper Active Directory management. But the challenge comes from finding the most economical and operationally efficient way to tackle these tasks. In this educational e-book, written by IT veteran Jeffrey Hicks, he explores the six critical AD task categories and examines what it takes to be both economically and operationally efficient. He’ll also discuss how trying to accomplish these tasks with native tools is time consuming, prone to errors and doesn’t scale well. An all-in-one AD management tool ensures that you achieve your goal of an operationally efficient environment without the hurdles associated with native Windows tools.

Learn how find the most economical and operationally efficient ways to tackle tasks in these critical categories:

  • Account and security management
  • Group Policy management
  • Backup and recovery
  • Active Directory Health
Managing the economic and operational costs of Active Directory

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