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Three ways a privileged user can hose your Active Directory

Three ways a privileged user can hose your Active Directory

In a Windows environment, it’s fairly easy for a disgruntled or careless privileged user to wreak havoc because everything relies on Active Directory (AD). If Active Directory is down, your entire network is down — even if there’s nothing wrong with any of your servers and applications.

How easy is it? This e-book shows just three of the many ways a privileged user — or an attacker with stolen privileged credentials — can take down your AD, and with it, the rest of your network, including:

  • Deny logon rights
  • Take down DNS
  • Exploit a vulnerability in the operating system

Then we discuss eight critical AD security best practices that can help you reduce this risk and improve your ability to recover if the worst does come to pass.

Three ways a privileged user can hose your Active Directory

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